- 鋼劈礫 - 鋼管樁驅動的方法特別適用於岩石和沙礫地面層,1989年從日本引進和開發。
Gun Piler – Steel pile driven method especially for rock and gravel ground layer was introduced and developed from Japan in Taiwan

- 礫石樁地盤改良工法 - 地盤改良,1994年從法國引進和開發。
Stone Column - Ground improvement method was introduced and developed form France in Taiwan on year 1994.

- 動力壓密地質改良工法 - 大面積之地盤改良,1982年從法國引進和開發。
Dynamic Consolidation Method – For large area ground improvement was introduced and developed from France in Taiwan

- DX擠擴(旋擴)基樁工法 – 目前於東南亞各地發展中。
DX Expand Method – For piling work was introduced for PROC and is under developing stage.